Inherently Different

The One Where I Give Advice

A few posts ago I mentioned I was going to start answering some reader mail. No joke. I’m gonna start an advice column called, “A Swift Kick in the Pants” Here are the first few… From: mojo [] To: Monkey_Diarist [] Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 17:14:38 -0700 (PDT) Subject: What the fuck do you … Read more

The One About Parents

There must be some kind of weird virus that is released when a couple has a child. Seriously. Normally sane people suddenly lose their mind when under the influence of parenthood. For instance, you’re an able bodied man. Strong. Virile (obviously). Yet, the moment your child starts to throw a tantrum you suddenly become a … Read more

The One About Movies

The Red Queen and I have made a habit of taking in a movie every friday afternoon. Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen Sky Captain & The World of Tomorrow (so-so), The Grudge (a rental at best), Ray (Academy Award consideration for Jamie Fox), and The Incredibles (Quite possibly the best CGI film ever). … Read more

The One About Hypocrisy

Ever listen to someone give advice and all the while you’re wondering what exactly gives them the right to do so? I’m talking about someone who gives advice about relationships, yet has never been in a healthy one. Or someone who gives financial advice, but always seems to be broke? Or worse yet, someone who … Read more

The One About Comment Spammers Striking Back

So remember my maniacal cackling about comment spammers and how I was defeating them? Well, that particular post got some spam too… so, I had to up the ante… Here’s what I did (still desparately clinging to the idea that MT Blacklist is a bad idea): This one is a bit more complicated, but still … Read more

The One Where I Tell You What I Am Not

I believe there should be a separation between church and state, which is the reason why I’m not a bible waving republican. I believe killing is warranted by various acts of aggression, which is why I am not a pacifist. I believe that rationale should come before emotion, which is why I’m not an environmentalist. … Read more

The One About Alias

Alias has to be one of the cheesiest shows on the face of the planet. Really. It is unbelievable, the acting is subpar, the direction is weak and the writing borders on fan fiction. Yet, I can’t explain the fact that I’ve spent almost 70 hours watching all three seasons of Alias on DVD. And … Read more

The One About Sea Turtles

Today the Red Queen and I went snorkeling at the beach across the street from our apartment and saw among other things: A school of Weke (goatfish), various sea urchins of various sizes and types, a few Hawaiian Triggerfish (much easier to say than Humuhumunukunukuapua’a) and a green sea turtle. Everything but the green sea … Read more

The One About Bush Winning

There are reasons to take comfort in a Bush win. As a little less than 50% of our nation mourns the perceptive loss of an opportunity to regain some level of respect from the international community, I have come up with the Top 10 Reasons To Celebrate Another 4 Years of Bush. 10. Terrorists can … Read more