Inherently Different

the fade In

OVER BLACK WE SEE OPENING CREDITS FADE IN: INT. OFFICE – EARLY MORNING A MAN sits typing on his keyboard. The light from the overhead lamp flickers as if it could wink out at any moment. It does not. He stops to read what he has written and looks disgusted. He hits the DELETE key … Read more


I am a procrastinator. Writing that, I should really also imply that I am a procrastinator like Pol Pot was a mass murderer, which is to say, if I am going to do something, I go all out. See, a while back, I was tagged by Nina to do something or other… I believe it … Read more


“Karma,” a wise man once said, “is a bitch!” Clearly this pundit was a fan of football as this past season has clearly illustrated. In case you were oblivious, this past season saw one team come within a hair’s breadth of finishing the season without a win as well as one team come even closer … Read more

on any given sunday

In my family, there are few things that are universally agreed on. We disagree on politics, religion, philosophy, and economics and those are just the things we disagree on before breakfast. But the one thing we all agree on is that the San Diego Chargers are the most exciting football team to ever grace god’s … Read more

the old man

Joachim “Johnny” Sanchez backed into the darkness of the covered alcove as two guards making their hourly rounds passed his hiding place. Under normal conditions he wouldn’t bother, but his most recent checkup revealed how far the disease ravaging his body had spread. When this news reached his daughter, she raised more sand than he … Read more

have a drink on me

The Recipe For Ed 3 parts Sexiness 2 parts Beauty 1 part Class Splash of Ingenuity Chug! What’s the Recipe for Your Personality? Clearly this test is one of the most insightful blogger defining quizzes ever developed… how can something so completely irrational be so completely accurate? I tell you, I am amazed this quiz … Read more

stand up

I doubt I could be a bigger nerd than I am lately, but I do try. The red queen allowed me to get a blackberry curve and the inherent nerd factor that used to define me has now increased exponentially. For those of you who know my real email address, I am no longer able … Read more

sea to sea

My friend Benja Iglesis has started a blog. In and of itself it wouldn’t be of much interest, but the guy has been all over the world shooting some amazing photographs. He seems to always be at the right place at the right time to capture some amazing things… Aside from being a great photographer, … Read more

i hate everything about you

There was a time, perhaps 10 years ago, that Madonna was relevant. While anyone with half a brain has since stopped paying attention to that rancid bag of wind, for some reason she continues to fight tooth and nail against the ravages of time and fame. I don’t think I am in the minority believing … Read more

3 strange days

What a week. I am not sure if I have ever explained how poorly I function when I don’t have ready access to the Internet. In case I haven’t, I don’t. On Thursday evening, I lost access to the Internet. I was essentially without a broadband connection through the weekend. I did manage to find … Read more